Breaking News

Chronic Neck and Back Pain What You Can Do to Cope

Many people regularly deal with chronic neck and back pain. Some people manage their pain with over-the-counter medications, while others use prescription medications to combat their aches and pains or visit chiropractors offices. If you are dealing with a lot of back pain, there are things you can do to cope with your condition. Chronic…

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Inactivity Leads to Disease and Mortality

Compared to many other health systems around the world, America has high quality healthcare. Yet, we are one of the most, if not the most, obese countries in the world. Many people know that being obese is unhealthy by now, but to drive the point home a little further, read on for reasons why being…

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Explore Denver During the ASHA Conference

With over 48 million people affected by hearing loss in the United States alone, and a reported 7.5 million individuals having a difficulty speaking (unable to produce speech sounds correctly), now is a better time than ever for professionals and educators alike to come together and pool resources, information, and solutions to aid those with…

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New Studies Show That Early Detection is the Best Way to Prevent Breast Cancer

A new study shows that catching breast cancer early is one of the best ways to ensure survival, even with better treatments. In the study, Dutch researchers observed 174,000 breast cancer patients, and saw a vast improvement in breast cancer survival rates between 1999 and 2012. However, the survival rates for women were at their…

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The Not so Healthy Truth About Health Supplements

Even though the “Dad” bod is kind of in style — as in the jock from high school whose ripped six pack from back in the day has now slowly melted into a semi-permanent fanny pack — being healthy is definitely en vogue. Just browse any social media platform and you’re likely to see a…

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Get Your Child Ahead with Gymnastics

Keeping our children active in this day and age is becoming increasingly difficult. With the advances in technology and the lack of interest in creativity and imagination, many parents struggle with finding a way to get their kids out of the house and away from the computer or television. Gymnastics for pre-schoolers is a great…

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Get Rid of Your Cellulite With Laser Liposuction!

Many Americans across the country exercise daily to lose weight, develop muscle mass, and to tone up. Unfortunately for many of us, especially women, exercise just isn?t enough to fight pesky problems like cellulite. So we obsess over trying the latest miracle pill, or we cram another workout session into our already busy schedules. Well,…

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How Electronic Health Records Are Disrupting The Health Care Industry

Although medical doctors are specialists with advanced medical methods and technology, we often don’t realize how much technology is truly involved in the practice of medicine today. Electronic health records (EHR, or electronic medical records — EMR) are a form of technology used extensively within the medical industry. Using these information systems, doctors have access…

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