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uterine fibroid treatments

How Radiofrequency Ablation Works

Uterine fibroid cysts are a common problem found in women during their 30s and 40s. Though often there are no signs and symptoms of fibroids, they can sometimes cause heavy menstrual bleeding, prolonged menstrual periods, pelvic pressure, constipation, frequent urination, and even back or leg pain.If such symptoms of uterine fibroids occur, they typically need…

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6 Signs It’s Time to See an Ankle and Foot Doctor

An ankle and foot doctor, called a podiatrist, is an important healthcare practitioner, and it’s crucial that you build an ongoing relationship with one if you want to keep your feet healthy: Almost 20% of the Canadian population has more than one foot problem every single year. But how do you know when it’s time…

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Who Is More Likely to Get Fibroids?

Although doctors aren’t sure what cause uterine fibroids, they have found that some women are more at risk of experiencing the symptoms of fibroid cysts than others. Here are just a few of the factors that can increase a woman’s risk of developing symptomatic fibroids. Age. Women who are in their 30’s and 40’s are…

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Canadian Community Works Together to Plan New 24 Hour Urgent Care Center

As more and more hospitals are forced to reduce their hours, limit their emergency room care or even close completely, many communities are realizing that urgent care centers may be the perfect solution to their sudden lack of convenient health care. However, many have realized that creating the best 24 hour urgent care clinics requires…

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Is Surgery Really the Right Answer?

Uterine fibroids are a common, premenopausal problem that affect between 70-80% of women, particularly women of African American descent. Though the vast majority of fibroids are asymptomatic, 30% of women may experience such symptoms of fibroid cysts as abnormally heavy menstrual bleeding, prolonged menstrual periods, pelvic pressure or pain, frequent urination, constipation, and back or…

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Three Important Numbers Behind the Industry of Electronic Cigarettes

Smoking, for better or worse, has been an important staple in the country for many years, and although it’s directly connected to health problems, it’s something that many adults just find hard to quit. But ever since the creation of the electronic cigarette (often simply called an “e cigarette” or “e cig”), there are healthier…

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Should Chiropractic Be Used as Preventative Care?

Many chiropractors recommend regular chiropractic adjustments or a combined treatment plan including chiropractic and massage therapy as part of preventative care — meaning that you should continue to get treatments in order to head off health problems, instead of in direct response to health problems. Is this commonsense advice, or a way to get you…

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Does the Fountain of Youth Really Exist? You’d Be Surprised

Throughout the ages, people have fervently — and to no avail — sought after the fountain of youth and have concocted all manner of deep wrinkle treatments in hopes of achieving a more youthful, radiant appearance. From horse urine — yes, this was actually used by some ancient civilizations — to gladiator sweet mixed with…

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