Breaking News

Testosterone Deficiency What It is and How You Can Fight It

Testosterone deficiency is when a man’s body has a lower-than-usual amount of testosterone. It is formally defined as having 300ng/dL (nanograms per deciliter) of total testosterone and less than 5 ng/dL of free testosterone, which is a special kind of hormone. Studies have shown that up to 25% of all men over 30 have some…

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What to Expect When You are Expecting a Knee Replacement

New research indicates that they just don’t make hips like they used to! Studies indicate that between now and 2050, the use of hip joint replacement surgery will increase by 174%. In 2013, there were about 332,000 hip replacements and that number is expected to climb to 572,000 by 2030. Similarly, knees are vulnerable to…

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Dermatologists Say More Men Are Now Getting Botox

For years, anti-aging solutions like Botox cosmetic injections and nonsurgical facelifts have primarily been seen as something meant for women. After all, almost every culture places a high priority on female beauty, causing many women to attempt to maintain their youthful appeal or simply improve their self-confidence through artificial means. And so for years, the…

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The ‘TLC’ You Should Look for in a Racquet and Tennis Club

If you’ve considered joining a racquet and tennis club recently, there is one thing that has probably heavily influenced your decision: the sport you are interested in playing. For instance, if you’re thinking of joining a club for tennis, you’ve likely looked into any indoor clay tennis courts that that club offers. If you are…

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7 Qualities a Weight Loss Coach Should Have

Physical activity is one of the best ways any person can stay healthy and can even actively improve their health, but only two in 10 adults currently meet the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) requirements for daily aerobic physical and muscle strengthening activity. Having a workout plan is one of the best ways to can…

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Preventing Lower Back Pain at Work

If you or a loved one are struggling with back, neck, shoulder, or leg pain, then paying a visit to your local chiropractic centre might be an option worth looking into. Great advancements have been made in the last few years when it comes to back pain and chiropractic therapy options. Risky invasive surgery and…

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The Evolution of IVF Treatments

To say that infertility treatments have a come a long way is truly an understatement. Many moons ago, women who were having difficult conceiving turned to shaman or healers who were knowledgeable in ancient infertility procedures and supplements such as various potent herbs. Now, as technology continues to evolve and progress, there are a variety…

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Get the Facts Straight on Teenage Pregnancy

For many teenagers, “pregnancy” is among the scariest words in the English language. On top of the mere idea of having a child at such a young age, teens also have to worry about how to tell their parents and where they can get free pregnancy help. Before panicking, however, it’s important for all teens…

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