Breaking News

When Your Body Needs a Supplement

If you one of the 10% of Americans that choose to follow a vegetarian or vegan diet, you may be surprised to know that your body may lack important vitamins. Sometimes cutting out certain foods can lead to a lack of nutrients that your body needs. Here are some basic facts about the human body…

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Your Preferred Medical Provider Team

Your medical care is very important to your overall health. In fact, studies show that when you keep up with routine medical visits, you are less likely to require advanced medical care. As an adult, it can be difficult to find the time for routine medical visits. You are already balancing work, family, and other…

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Do You Have a Difficult Decision to Make About the Long Term Care of a Parent or Grandparent?

The frustration in your mother’s voice when she calls is real. You know from experience, however, that the fact that your mother thinks that someone has been in her house and taken something is unfounded. To make sure that your mother’s home was safe, in fact, you have gotten in the habit of staying overnight…

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Secret Signals You May Be Suffering From Depression and/or Anxiety

It is normal to have a lot of ups and downs in life; that is just a part of how our bodies and minds function. But, if you have been noticing a consistency in feeling down, upset, anxious, or nervous, there could be something else going on that needs your immediate attention. There is a…

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what can you use to stop sweat

Simple Solutions For Excessive Underarm Sweating

There are many reasons for excessive sweating including puberty, stress, choice of clothing, premenopause, or a genetic predisposition known as hyperhidrosis. Whichever the cause, excessive sweating often leads to reduced self-esteem and a sense of shame. Of those suffering from excessive sweating problems, more than 35% reported their sweating as being “intolerable” or barely tolerable. Additionally, their…

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How Proton Therapy Targets Breast Cancer

Treating cancer is something scientists are hard at work figuring out. Early cancer treatments varied wildly in terms of positive results. A recent innovation known as proton therapy has helped to change the way cancer is treated. It’s wise to know more about proton therapy. Not everyone is aware of how beneficial proton therapy is…

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How Proton Therapy Is Fighting Prostate Cancer

A cancer diagnosis is a frightening thing to face. Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer in American men after skin cancer, according to the American Cancer Society, and over a man’s lifetime, he has a 1 in 7 risk of developing it. The latest prostate cancer statistics from the American Cancer Society indicate…

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Microwaveable Heated Back Wraps and Other Healthy Solutions to Relax for a Good Night’s Sleep

It appears that a large percentage of the United States’ population isn’t getting enough sleep every night. Recent figures show that roughly 60 million people in this country have some type of sleep disorder or otherwise experience a lack of sleep. In 1942, the average American would sleep nearly 8 hours a night. Current figures,…

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