Breaking News

Everything you need to know about changing your urinary catheter

Whether you’re dealing with urinary incontinence or recovering from a surgery, your physician may have put you on a urinary catheter. And while the proper care of your catheter is not difficult, it is extremely important. Catheter associated urinary tract infections (CAUTI’s) are actually the most common healthcare-related infections, accounting for over 30 percent of…

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Natural Remedies for Anxiety Disorder

Suffering from anxiety can certainly be tough to deal with. Recent research shows that anxiety disorders are the most common form of a mental illness in the entire United States. About 40 million adults in the United States suffer from one form of anxiety or another. 40 million people are about 18% of the entire…

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radiation treatment for cancer

Proton Therapy Could Revolutionize the Way Cancer is Treated Across the Globe

Radiation treatment for cancer is one of the most effective techniques for destroying tumors. Unfortunately, it can also be a little too effective, as too much exposure to radiation can lead to even more medical issues, especially if healthy tissues are damaged. However, with proton therapy for cancer, the healthy tissues surrounding the tumor are…

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Understanding Ways to Advance Cancer Therapy

There are so many different options out on the market today for cancer therapy. It can be difficult to decide which ones are the most effective. Treatment options for prostate cancer, breast cancer and others vary wildly in price and success and it can hard to parse out which ones are worth it. The following…

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The ChiropractorGetting Right to the Point

Through the years the chiropractor has become an important and respected part of the medical community. These days, a great many primary physicians as well as specialists are willing to work alongside the chiropractor while focusing on the patient’s health and well being. Chiropractors deal with complaints and symptoms such as migraines, chronic knee pain,…

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assisted living facility

Searching for an Assisted Living Facility? Here Are 3 Things to Look For

Searching for the right nursing home for your loved one can be difficult. You want them to know how much you love and care about them, but you may have to let them know that you’re doing this for them — not to them. Assisted living residences are there for your loved one’s benefit, and…

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Do You Wake Up Exhausted Most Mornings?

The 51-year old mother was exhausted from months of sleepless nights. Although she has been making a concerted effort to go to bed early, like clock work, she finds herself waking up two to three times a night. The wake up at 3:00 am is the most frustrating. It seems, in fact, that she is…

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Three Ways Private Drug Rehab Can Make a Positive Difference

When it comes to going to rehab centers, some people are reluctant. They may be unsure of what a private rehab center can do for them. Inpatient drug rehab can change lives and help people get control over their addictions. This is crucial for them to move on with their lives, and become fully functioning…

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