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Is Surgery Really the Right Answer?

uterinefibroidsUterine fibroids are a common, premenopausal problem that affect between 70-80% of women, particularly women of African American descent. Though the vast majority of fibroids are asymptomatic, 30% of women may experience such symptoms of fibroid cysts as abnormally heavy menstrual bleeding, prolonged menstrual periods, pelvic pressure or pain, frequent urination, constipation, and back or leg pain.

Should these problems persist, there are a number of uterine fibroids treatment options available. However, many of these fibroid treatments are not as effective as women would like them to be.

Medicinal uterine fibroid treatments only shrink the tumors, and manage the symptoms. They don’t effectively solve the problem. On the opposite end of the spectrum, uterine fibroid surgery does effectively remove the fibroids, and prevents them from growing back. The problem with surgical fibroid treatments, though, is that they often remove the uterus.

Luckily, there are new, uterine sparing fibroid treatments available. These alternative fibroid treatments allow women to avoid the risks and extended recovery times often associated with such surgeries, while effectively eliminating the fibroids.

One such treatment in particular has been gaining a lot of attention. Providing minimally invasive gynecologic fibroid treatments, it’s a laparoscopic system involving the outpatient use of ultrasound-guided radiofrequency volumetric thermal ablation.

Basically, it maps the uterus, looking for fibroids. Then, a hand piece is advanced into the fibroid, and its electrodes are deployed. The fibroid is then ablated. The healthcare practitioner repeats the process until all the fibroids — and just the fibroids — are dealt with.

While surgical fibroid treatments have provided an effective solution to fibroid-related symptoms, most patients would rather avoid it. It’s more expensive, has an increased risk of complications, involves a longer hospital stay, and requires more recovery time.

Alternative fibroid treatments, on the other hand, are minimally invasive, uterine sparing, and can take care of each and every tumor.

If you’d like to learn more or have any questions, feel free to ask in the comments.

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