For many women today, their fertility is an issue worth visiting the doctor or fertility clinics for, to address any suspected or definite issues with their reproductive health. A fertility expert can use various tests and procedures to determine exactly what the problem is, and fertility centers are a place where a patient can get diagnose with a fertility problem and pursue a solution, which may range from a change in lifestyle to prescribed medication or even surgery. If a woman believes that she is not fertile or that something is wrong with her reproductive health, such as difficulty conceiving a baby, visiting a fertility clinic is the first step.
Why Infertile?
A woman may not be fertile for any number of reasons, and some are more common or easier to treat than others. Often, if a woman is not fertile, she will take charge of this situation and seek help; after all, it has been found that 44% of women with fertility issues visit a clinic for medical assistance, and of those who pursue medical intervention, around 65% will later give birth as intended. It should also be noted that a woman’s peak fertile time is between the ages of 20 and 24; after that, her fertility rates will experience a decline, and by age 40, only about two out of five women who want to conceive and birth a child will be able to. How often is this an issue? It has been found that nearly 6.7 million women aged 15-44 have impaired fecundity, meaning that they have a compromised ability to get pregnant or carry a pregnancy to term. Becoming more fertile will mean diagnosing the problem and knowing what to do next. Age cannot be reversed, but other medical issues may be treated.
Who Visits the Fertility Clinic?
It is mainly women who visit a fertility clinic after a couple has run into trouble conceiving, although sometimes men visit them as well; the CDC analyzed data provided by the 2002 National Survey of Family Growth and found that 7.5% of all sexually experienced men under the age 45 reported visiting a fertility doctor, adding up to about 3.3-4.7 million men. Meanwhile, many women also visit a clinic to find solutions to become more fertile. About 11.9% of women, or 7.4 million individuals, have received services to become more fertile in their lives. After all, it has been found that one out of eight couples, or 12% of married women, have had trouble conceiving a child or keeping a pregnancy, resulting in visits to the fertility clinic for help.
Trying to Become Fertile
Trying to Become Fertile
Wanting to conceive a child is common for most couples, and those looking to have a child may run into issues with this natural process. What can go wrong? Statistics suggest that in one third of cases, the issue of being fertile is due to the woman’s health, and the man’s health is to blame in another third of cases. The last third of cases is a combination of both partners’ health, or cannot be accurately diagnosed or explained at all. In men’s cases, fertility may be impacted by many different issues such as drug or alcohol abuse, or high levels of stress or a previous injury to the testicles. Exposure to unsafe levels of radiation can also harm a man’s fertility. All of these causes and more can greatly reduce a man’s sperm count or greatly lower the quality of the sperm cells that he creates.
Among women, difficulty with being fertile is often an issue of how the oocytes, or “egg cells,” move from the ovaries, through the fallopian tubes, and into the uterus. The absence of an egg cell for sperm to fertilize will of course make fertility impossible, and even if an egg cell is fertilized and a zygote forms, this zygote may attach itself to the fallopian tubes or fail to attach to the uterine wall to form the placenta. Damage to th4e ovaries or fallopian tubes can cause serious fertility issues, and a woman may need surgery or the proper medication to deal with this issue. Once diagnosed at a fertility clinic, a woman and her doctor can find a solution together.