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Prevent EMF from Affecting Your Family’s Health

We?re so reliant these days on our electronic gadgets, the phones, the computers, even our microwaves, and we rarely consider what the consequences may be. Of course we want the ease of modern technology, but we have to be sure we?re not getting too much Electromotive Force (EMF). We need EMF protection, especially for our…

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Ibogaine Therapy The Addiction Treatment That Could Help You

Substance abuse can often seem nearly impossible to beat, especially in the United States where drug and alcohol abuse have become increasingly stigmatized. The first thing to realize is that you are not alone, and that addiction and mental illness are legitimate medical conditions. But like many medical conditions, they can also be treated and…

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3 Reasons You Need to Go For a Checkup

If you haven’t been to your primary care physician, or even just one of your area’s local doctors for a check up, you definitely should. Here’s why. An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure. – The entire reason to go to a check up is to, well, get checked up on….

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Why Urgent Care Might be a Viable Option for Back Pain Treatment

Acute back pain is a common ailment that affects many people. However, you may be unsure of the acute back pain meaning. The acute back pain definition relates to a simple muscle strain or sprain, which can signify a more severe problem. If you have acute back pain, it’s paramount to seek treatment as soon…

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What Can I Do To Get Rid Of My Acne?

When it seems like you’ve tried every possible acne treatment out there, and you still aren’t seeing results, it can get pretty frustrating. With all the different acne treatment products and home remedies, how can you know which is the best skin care routine for you? The answers may be simpler than you’d think. Here…

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What is Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy? Common Symptoms and Treatments for RSD

While many diseases are visible from the outside, RSD is something that you carry internally, and people often aren’t educated enough to understand the suffering you’re going through. Thankfully, despite the lack of a cure for this terrible disease, advancements in technology have allowed for certain treatments to dramatically reduce its effects on your body….

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3 Reasons People Seek Chiropractic Medicine Solutions

Affordable chiropractic medicine is becoming a more and more popular method to treat many different neuromusculoskeletal problems. This includes nerves, bones, muscles, ligaments, and tendons by way of spinal adjustments, manipulation and other techniques. While the specific symptoms of each patient may vary, they all seek chiropractic consulting services when the pain they suffer from…

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3 Warning Signs of An STD

When you think that you may have an STD, time is of the essence. You don’t want to risk your health by waiting by for a symptom, especially when some STD’s don’t have immediate symptoms, or any at all. The safest course of action is to visit one of your area STD testing clinics, where…

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