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How to Perform as a Student-Athlete

Performing well as a student who’s involved in school athletics can be difficult. This video discusses some tips for performing well in both areas. The first piece of advice given by the speaker is that student-athletes must dedicate themselves 100 percent to excellence in both areas. Video Source Athletics and education must have equal spots…

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Learn the Techniques Used at a Chiropractic Practice

Dealing with back and neck pains can be a very frustrating endeavor. However, you do not have to necessarily depend on medicine in order to relieve the pain. Chiropractic practice might just be what you need to get rid of the back pain. But for this procedure, you will need to visit a professional. Video…

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What Is a Skilled Nursing Facility?

What happens when a patient is ready to leave the hospital, but not ready to be at home by themselves without easy access to medical professionals? One solution many doctors recommend is a skilled nursing facility. If a stay at a skilled nursing facility is recommended, patients and families will have many choices. To make…

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How to Properly Wear Surgical Face Masks

Wearing surgical face masks is one of the easiest ways we can prevent the spread of disease. And during the height of flu season, it’s important to know how to wear a mask properly before you risk spreading disease or catching it. Here are a few important tips to help you wear your mask properly…

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Why Should You Send Your Kids to Summer Camp?

If you want to make sure your child continues to learn and grow even when they’re not in school, then summer camp could be an excellent option to consider. Despite what’s depicted in popular culture, summer camp can be an incredibly enriching experience for kids. Here’s why you should consider sending your kids to camp…

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Cryo Treatments as a Skin Tag Remover

If you’re looking for a skin tag remover, it’s possible that you’ve heard of cryo devices before. In most cases, a dermatologist will utilize cryo technology in order to remove skin tags and treat warts on the skin. Let’s take a closer look at how this treatment process works. When a skin tag needs to…

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How to Age Gracefully Without Botox

The beauty industry has always promoted that ‘beauty is pain’ and should have no other option but to be upheld by Botox. But what about those who are too young for needles? Fear not! There are so many other ways to do it without rearranging your insides with toxins. Here are ways of how to…

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What to Expect While Recovering From Dental Implant Surgery

It may be routine surgery, but it is still surgery. One or more holes will be made in your mouth to fit in dental implants, which are basically artificial tooth roots topped by crowns. This is a more intensive surgery than a root canal. Video Source Oral and maxillofacial surgeon Dr. Deepak Komath explains what…

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