If you want to become a cosmetic dermatologist, you need to be prepared for a long road. You need drive and persistence to get you through a lot of schooling and post-graduate training. It’s a long road but worth it if you really want to be a dermatologist. This video explains some of the steps along that road.
The first step is to get a bachelor’s degree, and it helps if it is a pre-med course load. This will help educate you on the basics of medicine, show medical schools that you truly want to pursue medicine, and help you with connections. Then you will take a test and go to another four years of medical school.
Medical school is a tough cookie, and if you make it through then you’re not even finished. You need to figure out what your specialty will be an pursue another four years of dermatology residency. This is your on-the-job training, and you will start to really learn here.
Once you are done with your residency, you may pursue fellowships or other opportunities to become even more specialized. Or, you can start practicing right away. You may work at a hospital, with a practice, or open your own practice. For more information, check out the video above.