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Author: Health and Fitness

Five Possible Safety Risks to Look for in a New House

Moving into a new house can be exciting. You are getting to know not only your new residence, but also the nearby location. You are designing the house to meet your personality and living needs. You are slowly turning the new house into your personal place of relaxation. However, moving into a new house also…

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Burnout Steps to Avoid It

Physicians in America often undergo 60 to 80 hour work weeks, all the ease the pain and illnesses of their patients, who have numerous health conditions, including diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and other issues that are less chronic, including influenza, bronchitis, and more. Physicians are generally having a responsibility sometimes to…

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Physical Therapy Treatments Use Exercise, Manual Therapy and Patient Education to Treat Chronic Pain

Physical therapy treatment is a non-invasive, non-surgical alternative for the management and relief of chronic pain. Injuries resulting from accidents or sports can have lasting results, especially in problem areas like the knee, hip, back, neck and shoulders. There are many benefits of physical therapy, which is why medical practitioners as well as patients prefer…

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Urgent Care vs. Emergency Room

Every day, no matter how hard we try, people get hurt. Whether it’s something as minor as falling off the swing set, to getting into a major car crash, accidents happen all the time. Injuries that occur from accidents typically require immediate attention, and sometimes, it can be hard to decide, should I go to…

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Burnout Explained and 10 Ways to Avoid It

Physicians are subject to burnout. According to a few statistics, a recent study reported that 45.8% of physicians are considered to be experiencing at least one symptom of burnout. There is currently a 35.2% overall burnout rate among U.S. physicians. And physicians aged 35 and under have a burnout rate of 44%. Students are also…

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Leg Fractures The Facts

Dealing with a leg fracture is not a fun ordeal and for some people, it may be their worst nightmare. Now, do not be worried if you have never thought about dealing with a leg fracture before reading this article. This type of injury is most common amongst athletes or people who work on construction…

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Five Ways to Reduce Allergy Suffering

If you or someone in your home suffers from allergies, one of the best things that you can do is to try and keep the environment at homeless triggering for the allergies. A great way to do this is by keeping the home clean since this can keep allergens such as dust and pollen in…

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Are You in Need of CPAP Replacement Parts? We Have You Covered

If you are somebody who experiences sleep apnea and its sometimes debilitating effects, your CPAP machine and you have probably grown close. There are many types of CPAP masks available today, offering you benefits when have been diagnosed with sleep apnea or are in the throes of a diagnosis. Sleep apnea is a disorder that…

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