One of the key strategies to controlling the spread of COVID-19 is using self-test kits that offer quick COVID-19 test results. The video below provides a guide on how to use the BinaxNow COVID-19 self-test kit.
The first thing to do after obtaining the kit is read the instructions in the box. The box typically includes two rapid test kits. The kits should ideally be used twice in three days with at least 24 hours in-between tests.
Testing repeatedly increases the chances of detecting COVID infection and prevents you from infecting others.
Additional items inside the box include two test cards, two dropper bottles, two swabs, and a COVID-19 instruction sheet. A timer and a pair of gloves are also typically needed to perform the test. Before starting the test, wash and sanitize your hands. Use one test card, one dropper bottle, and one swab. Take out the test card and inspect it to locate a blue line. Contact the test kit producers for a replacement if a blue line is absent. Then follow the steps in the video to conduct the testing procedure properly.