Breaking News

Day: February 20, 2015

Three of the Most Common Mistakes Parents Make With Their Children’s Dental Health

An amazing number of today’s children suffer from poor dental health and numerous complications like tooth decay, cavities and the need for orthodontics. In fact, Fox News reports that an unbelievable 42% of children between the ages of 2 to 11 have developed cavities in their baby teeth that aren’t being treated, highlighting a serious…

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Three Ways to Reduce Neck Pain

Pain is a common experience for almost everyone in the world. However, neck pain is one of the most popular, most persistent, and most troubling: often caused by stress and bad positions, a stiff neck can be the sign of worse health problems to come. Fortunately, you can ease your pain and get back to…

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Four Natural Pain Remedies

Pain may be a natural, universal part of life, but that doesn’t make it any more enjoyable. Fortunately, whether you’re searching for relief for back pain or a pain remedy for your arthritis, there is likely a product or process that can help you. Read on to learn about some natural cures for some common…

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Five Strange Ingredients You Should Cook With Today

With thousands of recipes and styles of cuisine to choose from, it should come as no surprise that there are some pretty strange ingredients available for you to use in your kitchen. While some might seem too odd to even consider, many can completely change the way you cook, helping you turn even the blandest…

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Testosterone Deficiency What It is and How You Can Fight It

Testosterone deficiency is when a man’s body has a lower-than-usual amount of testosterone. It is formally defined as having 300ng/dL (nanograms per deciliter) of total testosterone and less than 5 ng/dL of free testosterone, which is a special kind of hormone. Studies have shown that up to 25% of all men over 30 have some…

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What to Expect When You are Expecting a Knee Replacement

New research indicates that they just don’t make hips like they used to! Studies indicate that between now and 2050, the use of hip joint replacement surgery will increase by 174%. In 2013, there were about 332,000 hip replacements and that number is expected to climb to 572,000 by 2030. Similarly, knees are vulnerable to…

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Dermatologists Say More Men Are Now Getting Botox

For years, anti-aging solutions like Botox cosmetic injections and nonsurgical facelifts have primarily been seen as something meant for women. After all, almost every culture places a high priority on female beauty, causing many women to attempt to maintain their youthful appeal or simply improve their self-confidence through artificial means. And so for years, the…

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