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Day: December 3, 2014

Incorporate ‘Liquid Gold’ into Your Beauty Routine with Easy, Everyday Hair Uses for Moroccan Argan Oil

Whether or not you’re a beauty product enthusiast, you may have heard by now about Moroccan argan oil. What is argan oil? Hailing for the Berber region of Morocco, this oil is derived from the argan nut. The only way to make argan oil is to do so by hand, so it can take anywhere…

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Three Neat Tricks You Can Use to Keep the Holiday Weight Gain at Bay

With Thanksgiving in the rear view mirror and Christmas coming up on the horizon, it’s fair to say that we’re knee deep in the holiday season already. On the one hand, it’s an obvious and obligatory time to celebrate — to eat, drink, and be merry. On the other hand, it’s also a time when…

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Can Farmed Fish Be Considered Organic?

Trendy diets are nothing new, ranging from the Atkins diet to Weight Watchers. But while previous plans seem to focus strictly on losing weight, often at the detriment of the body as a whole, more recent examples place more weight on actual health. And whether you’re trying out the Paleo diet, going Mediterranean, or even…

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