New research indicates that they just don’t make hips like they used to! Studies indicate that between now and 2050, the use of hip joint replacement surgery will increase by 174%. In 2013, there were about 332,000 hip replacements and that number is expected to climb to 572,000 by 2030. Similarly, knees are vulnerable to erosion. Most patients who undergo knee joint replacement surgery are typically between 50 and 80. The good news is that more than 80% of knee replacements are functional after five years.
Hip joint replacement surgery, total hip replacement surgery and other forms of join replacement surgery are known to dramatically reduce pain while increasing mobility. Many doctors offer their patients the opportunity to view a knee joint replacement surgery video or other video relevant to their procedure. This helps ease concerns of the patient. After all, a patient without worry heals much faster.
Prep before surgery often involves discussing the risks of the procedure as well as discussing lifestyle changes that will be important for the new addition. Doctors inform patients of the adjustments they’ll need to make with the new joint and show them exercises to strengthen after surgery.
While some avoid join replacement surgery due to the notion that patients never fully heal, about 95% of those who take advantage of knee replacement are satisfied. The numbers are quite similar for hip replacement. Joint replacement has come a long way and most people, with hard work, have been able to get back to an increased mode of mobility. More like this article.