Breaking News


Can Omega 3 Protect Against Alcohol-Related Dementia?

If you have spent any time researching necessary components of a healthy diet, you are likely familiar with the many benefits of omega 3 fatty acids. This essential substance, which the body is unable to make on its own, has numerous positive effects on our systems due to its ability to reduce inflammation. Because of…

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Can Farmed Fish Be Considered Organic?

Trendy diets are nothing new, ranging from the Atkins diet to Weight Watchers. But while previous plans seem to focus strictly on losing weight, often at the detriment of the body as a whole, more recent examples place more weight on actual health. And whether you’re trying out the Paleo diet, going Mediterranean, or even…

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Should Pregnant Women Eat Fish?

Pregnant and nursing mothers are given a number of confusing and contradictory instructions when it comes to promoting the health of their unborn children and newborns: for example, some people will claim that caffeine should be avoided at all costs during pregnancy, while others will insist that small amounts are fine. Similar statements are often…

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