Every year, five million people in the United States have their wisdom teeth removed. This includes those with impacted wisdom teeth as well as those with wisdom teeth that are able to develop normally. It’s important to note that this is an outpatient procedure which is performed at a dental office.
Wisdom teeth, as you know, are the last adult teeth to erupt in the back of the mouth. Most people have four of these molars, with two in the upper jaw and two in the lower. Since most adults only have enough space in their mouth for 28 teeth, many will opt to have their wisdom teeth removed.
When wisdom teeth become impacted, there’s just not enough room in someone’s mouth for them to fully erupt and develop normally. The molars will press against the adjoining molars, which will then press against the other teeth and cause crowding. If severe crowding has already occurred, a dentist may recommend braces after healing from the extractions.
If you believe your wisdom teeth are coming in, it’s important to make an appointment with your dentist. As previously stated, while some people’s wisdom teeth may never erupt through their gums, most people’s will. As a result of this, they may experience pain, headaches, and other issues, such as trouble chewing.
When your wisdom teeth have come in and you’re not experiencing any issues, some dentists may still recommend having these molars removed to avoid future issues. Once you schedule an appointment with your dentist, they will be able to determine whether or not your teeth are crowding or if your wisdom teeth may become impacted. If this is the case, you’ve likely seen or experienced evidence of this already.
Before you have your wisdom teeth removed, your oral surgeon will usually provide you with wisdom teeth recovery tips. It’s also likely that they will give you a pamphlet or sheet to take home with you that covers several important wisdom teeth recovery tips. In addition to resting after this procedure, you’ll want to follow your dentist’s recommendations so that you heal properly.