Hair loss is a common problem among both men and women, though it’s more often talked about in relation to men. By age 50, a vast majority of men — about 85% — experience significant thinning. The ubiquity of the condition makes it all too easy to pick up bad advice about hair loss and how to address it. Here are five simple dos and don’ts for dealing with hair loss:
- Do Educate Yourself on the Common Causes of Hair Loss
Do some research using reputable sources to see if you could be contributing to your hair loss through harsh treatment such as constant heat damage. But don’t let yourself be drawn in by all the myths about hair loss (like thinking your baseball cap might be the culprit). It’s entirely possible that your hair loss is caused by genetic factors beyond your control.
- Don’t Be Ashamed to Seek Treatment
Hair loss is more than a physical problem: It’s often very emotional, as well. Sometimes it’s easier to ignore the problem and pretend it’s not happening than it is to face it head on. But the sooner you seek treatment, the more likely it is that hair loss doctors can help reverse your hair loss without extreme measures.
- Do Approach New Hair Loss Treatments With Healthy Skepticism
Every time you flip through channels on TV or turn a page in a magazine, it’s like you’ll see advertisements for new hair loss treatments hailed as miracles. But the reality is that many of these hair loss solutions are not evidence-based and have not been approved by the FDA — or even peer reviewed by medical doctors. Don’t let your fear of hair loss convince you to throw money away on untested new hair loss treatments.
- Don’t Be Nervous About Surgical Options
If FDA-approved medications haven’t been successful in hair regrowth, a surgical hair transplant may be the best option for treating your hair loss. These are surgeries, and should be approached with care just like any other serious medical procedure, but the techniques used are getting consistently better and are extremely safe. Plus, the results look completely natural.
- Do Spend More for Quality Practitioners
Medical procedures such as hair transplants can be expensive, and that leads some people to look for bargains or even go abroad to take advantage of cheaper procedures in other countries. But when it comes to these delicate procedures, it’s much better to spend a bit more — even if that means saving for an extra six months or seeking out medical financing — than it is to gamble. Do you really want a hair transplant surgeon who doesn’t have top training and extensive experience?
Do you have anything to add to this list? Share your thoughts in the comments.