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Month: July 2016

Do You Know What to Do When Your Baby is Sick or Injured?

Having a child who is sick can be extremely nerve wracking. If you yourself are feeling sick, you can be the judge of the type of help you need, or — more likely if you’re a parent who has humans depending on you for their livelihood — suck it up and ignore the pain until…

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What Exactly Is Coolscuplting?

What is coolsculpting, you may ask. Well, cool sculpting is an FDA approved fat freezing service. It is non surgical, which is a huge perk, and uses controlled cooling to eliminate stubborn fat. But first, why might you want to get a fat removal procedure? Doctors usually define ?overweight? as a condition in which a…

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What is Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy and Why Is it Used?

As a human, your body requires oxygen to survive. All of your tissues, including those in your brain and bones, require oxygen to function and heal. Whether a child or an adult sustains serious damage to these tissues, treatment must be sought. When tissue is injured, it requires even more oxygen to survive and repair…

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The Most Important Hearing Aid Care Tips That You Would Ever Need

A hearing aid is a small device fitted on your ear to help amplify sound. This device is designed for partially deaf people. Its three-part system entails a microphone, an amplifier, and a speaker. While the microphone converts the collected sound into a digital signal, the amplifier helps strengthen the digital signal. You’ll rely on…

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Help Kids Help Themselves; A Few Things to Look Out For

Believe it or not, children are the toughest people on the entire planet. Although many of them will cry for hours if they drop something or can’t have what they want, they can literally fall out of a tree and be fine within seconds. If anyone over the age of 25 falls out of anything,…

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