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Let Abdominal Liposuction Do What Exercise and Dieting Wouldn’t

Lipo orange county

Obesity and weight problems are becoming ever more common in America. For those adults aged 20 and above, 69% percent will prove to be obese or at least overweight. Because of the increasing sedentary lifestyle many adults lead, more and more are turning to cosmetic procedures for help. New technologies have made these operations cheaper and more widely available to the masses.

One of the most common procedures performed involves abdominal liposuction. A laser is used to destroy fat tissue cells while absorbing 90% of the water present in the area. Previous methods of liposuction we’re much harsher on the body, requiring extended periods of recovery rather than a few days at most thanks to laser liposuction. Organizing a procedure appointment is much easier without the need for a long leave period from work, adding more availability to those interested.

The same laser used for abdominal liposuction has proved to be very effective in reducing the appearance of cellulite as well. The problem spots of the body that usually collect the most fat, such as the legs, thighs and stomach, commonly show signs of cellulite. By producing collagen in the skin the laser has proven to retract the flesh, reducing the dimpled appearance. Laser cellulite removal is common even for those who aren’t necessarily overweight but are still prone its appearance.

When the discussion of cosmetic surgeries arise, the first question to come up is often, “how much does liposuction cost?” Luckily with new advances and growth in the industry the costs for these operations are much more reasonable than they have been in the past. In just a year from 2012 to 2013, the number of abdominal liposuction operations increased by 16.3%. The marketplace for cosmetic procedures is rapidly growing which will mean the cost of receiving them from trained professionals will become even more reasonable.

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