Vaccines are responsible for saving millions of lives every year. Even this number can seem a little hard to wrap one’s head around. Are they really that powerful?
The answer is always going to be a resounding yes. It’s thanks to vaccines the general population can live day-to-day life free from worry. The advent of vaccinations has done the steady work of eradicating some diseases and keeping others at bay. Unfortunately, many misconceptions about vaccines and what they do for human health have been on the rise. Staying healthy is a matter of separating fact from fiction, that of which will be done below.
Keep yourself informed on vaccines and the necessary protection they offer adults and
children. Here are five common misconceptions about vaccinations debunked and explored.
Vaccines Will Make My Children Sick
A common concern of parents today is the fear that vaccines could have the opposite intent and expose their children to illness. The function of vaccines is to introduce a weakened form of a virus to the human immune system. This allows our bodies’ natural defense mechanism to develop its own antibody and long-term protection. Only children with an immune disorder are unable to be vaccinated, in which it’s the responsibility of other families to protect themselves for what’s known as ‘herd immunity’. This not only protects children, but the elderly and adults with immune disorders.
Many Diseases Are Gone, So I Don’t Have To Worry
This is not just untrue, but painfully so. While some diseases have all but vanished thanks to routine vaccinations, others have seen recent resurgence due to this misconception. Measles — a condition characterized by high fevers and potential brain damage — has cropped up again in several states. Back in 2016 around 90% of American children were vaccinated against measles, mumps, and rubella. That’s still far too many that run the risk of not just getting sick, but getting their peers and family sick, as well.
Our Immune Systems Are Strong Enough To Adapt
While the human body is resilient, it’s far from invincible. Just look at the common cold. Babies, toddlers, and preschoolers will come down with seven to eight colds every year, while teenagers come down with four to five in the same amount of time. When it comes to more debilitating conditions like polio and measles, we just don’t have the ability to fight off these illnesses on our own. Vaccines give our bodies the tools they need to construct a proverbial safehouse, keeping these diseases at bay and protecting those unable to be vaccinated.
Vaccinations Can Cause Autism In Children
Perhaps the most common misconception about vaccines for children is the myth of autism. Autism is an neurological condition that sees thousands of new cases every year. It’s characterized by difficulties blending into social environments, obsessive or repetitive behaviors, and various communication challenges. This fear tactic has since been debunked with extensive studies over the years. Even if it were true, autism would be a preferable choice over long-term disability or death.
My Child Could Have An Adverse Reaction To A Vaccine
The only one on the list with a hint of truth, this is still no reason to avoid visiting same day pediatric care. Adverse reactions to vaccines often happen not due to the weakened form of the virus, but the ingredients used to make it in the first place (such as an egg allergy). Children with immunodisorders should seek alternative options for preventative care. It’s estimated 5% of children between the ages of 12 to 17 had food allergies within the past year. When it comes to dangerous exposure, personal care supplies and cosmetics have higher risks than your average vaccine.
When even the flu can send your child to the hospital, vaccines are a necessary safeguard for everyone to live healthy lives. Make an appointment with a child doctor at a pediatric clinic today and keep your family safe.