According to Centers for Disease Control, 114 people die each day because of drugs and more than 6,700 people are sent to the emergency room for treatment. In the United States, the numbers associated with drugs and with alcohol are staggering.
Drug overdoses are now the top cause of injury-related death in the United States and more than 20 million Americans aged 12 or older have an addiction. Of that 20 million, more than 2 million received treatment for alcohol abuse disorder in 2016 and more than 5,000 daily emergency visits are attributed to drug abuse.
More than half of new drug users start with marijuana and the abuse of drugs grows from there. The National Academies of Sciences had previously reported that 8% of patients who were prescribed opioid pain relievers develop opioid use disorder and up to 25% engage in behaviors suggesting they have become dependent on opioids. Additionally, opioid overdoses are the leading cause of accidental death in the United States.
With the rise of drug and alcohol addiction, the numbers of people seeking treatment are on the rise as well. The National Survey on Drug Use and Health reported in 2015 that 8.1% or 21.7 million people needed substance use treatment in the last year.
An important part of drug and alcohol treatment is the detox process. Detoxing, or the process of ridding the body of drugs and alcohol, can be a painful experience, but it’s an essential one for those wanting to get clean. During the detox process, treatments can vary in time, but there many common steps to the detox process.
- Evaluation: When a patient enters rehab for drugs and alcohol, they are tested for substances that are in their system and put through a health screening to figure out the best treatment plan for their problem.
- Stabilization: This stage is focused on helping a patient ease the symptoms of withdrawal and become drug free. During the stabilization process, patients may experience withdrawal symptoms such as insomnia, chills, Delirium Tremens (DTs) and Post-Actute Withdrawal Syndrome (PAWS) among many others
- Treatment: The detox process is only the first stage in drug and alcohol rehab and helps patients prepare for treatment.
When it comes to treatment for drug addiction, especially opiate addiction, one of the most effective treatments is the use of methadone. For more than 50 years, methadone has been an effective treatment for those with opiate addiction and has a success rate anywhere from 60 to 90%.
There are many benefits to using methadone to treat opiate addiction including:
- Low cost: For the price of a few cups of coffee, those seeking relief from opiate addiction can get it for 24 hours. As far as treatment goes, the entry cost to a methadone maintenance program is very low.
- Improved health: Those who stabilize with methadone will feel much healthier. From the nasty effects of pills or heroin, those who use methadone for treatment will eat and sleep much better while generally living a much improved lifestyle.
- It’s legal: For those who visit methadone clinics in Chicago suburbs or elsewhere in the country, they can do so knowing that methadone is legal. If you’re enrolled in a methadone maintenance program. This helps you live a healthier lifestyle and you won’t have to waste money on hard drugs or risk facing jail time.
- Daily help: One of the requirements of methadone clinics in Chicago suburbs and elsewhere is that patients must visit them every day to take medication. Having structure in their lives helps patients stick to schedules and keeps them focused. In addition, methadone clinics in Chicago suburbs and elsewhere give patients access to healthcare workers and therapists who can offer help to patients who need it.
- It works: As previously mentioned, methadone is effective. It provides relief from crippling withdrawal symptoms and those using methadone won’t have a need or desire to use opiates.
Methadone treatment isn’t for everyone, but there’s no denying that those who use it benefit greatly. If you’re curious about methadone treatment talk to a doctor or seek out information on methadone treatment. Another option is to contact methadone clinics in Chicago suburbs or wherever you live and ask any questions you have about treatment.