It’s extremely difficult and even painful to watch a loved one struggle with substance abuse disorders. They can often be irritable and end up pushing those closest to them away. This makes it ever more important for family members and friends to offer them as much support as they need to overcome their addiction and get back on their feet.
But how do you support someone who likely doesn’t want help? Here are a few options:
- Communication: It’s important to make an effort to keep an open line of communication with someone with a substance abuse disorder. Too often people close themselves off to either ignore that their loved one actually has a problem or because they think they are teaching them a lesson by cutting them off. But unfortunately, the feeling of loneliness can lead to depression and even further drug use.
If you find that you do not have the time or the ability to offer them all of the communication they need, you can look to drug rehab support to help. Their professionals will be able to offer them 24 hour a day care, and be readily available to talk. - Act quick: Keep a look out for any minor indicator of an addiction and don’t ignore it. Talk with them about it in a caring way as not to make them think you’re scolding them.
This is utterly important considering that young people from the ages of 15 to 24 are more likely to develop substance abuse disorders. Without early intervention, their abuse problems will only escalate as time goes on. Unfortunately they are also the most likely to experience mental illness which brings me to my next point. - Seek out help If you find that you attempts to help are not being successful, seek out inpatient drug rehab support. While it’s utterly important to offer support yourself, it’s not uncommon for abuse disorders to outweigh your assistance.
And considering that people with substance problems are up to three times more likely to have mental disorders, — more than 15% of those with addictions have a co-occurring mental illness — these patients are even more difficult to help on your own.
Alcohol abuse and drug addictions are becoming one of the biggest problems facing society today. Just in Canada, around 47,000 deaths are linked to substance abuse every year. Communicating and seeking out professional drug rehab support could save their lives.