There are many Americans that are currently unhappy with the way they look. Many of these unhappy features are on the face, either the condition of the skin added fat in the face, or the shape of the nose. For this reason, cosmetic surgery and especially rhinoplasty is one of the most common procedures. Rhinoplasty definition is a form of plastic surgery that is done to reconstruct the shape and size of the nose. Before you schedule your rhinoplasty procedure, keep these tips in mind.
Consult with an experienced rhinoplasty surgeon
Although it is a low risk and minimally invasive procedure, rhinoplasty is still a surgery. You want to make sure that you are going to a surgeon that is experienced and is prepared to handle any medical emergencies. Request references and check the credentials of your rhinoplasty surgeon. Ask to see rhinoplasty before and after photos of previous patients. Also, get an idea of what your procedure will result in. Make sure that your rhinoplasty goal is achievable before going through with the procedure.
Inquire about potential surgical problems
Every procedure comes with risks. You want to be clear of these risks, before undergoing a cosmetic procedure. A rhinoplasty definition procedure involves surgery to your ear nose and throat area. Common rhinoplasty problems include a loss of smell, difficulty breathing, and swelling of the nose. Currently, humans have approximately 12 million olfactory receptor cells, according to the University of Washington, a number that decreases with age. It is possible that some of these olfactory receptor cells can be damaged prematurely during the rhinoplasty definition surgery.
Set up a post surgical care plan
Again, because rhinoplasty is a surgery, you will require an aftercare plan. How will you get home from the hospital? How long will you require rest and relaxation? Do you need to take time off of work? Who do you contact in the event that you have problems with your recovery? These are all important questions to ask when preparing for a rhinoplasty definition surgery. You will also want to know who to follow up with, in the event that you experience any of the common side effects.
Understand rhinoplasty and recovery costs
It is often assumed that insurance providers will cover all surgical expenses. However, this is not always the case when it comes to cosmetic surgical procedures. It is important to evaluate how you will cover the rhinoplasty cost ahead of time. You might want to work with your insurance provider to see if they cover any of the costs. It is also important to know if they will cover any medical problems that are associated with the procedure.
In some cases, insurance providers will cover rhinoplasty procedures, if the procedure is done to correct a medical problem. There are currently 29.4 million adults diagnosed with sinusitis. Sometimes, rhinoplasty surgeries are performed to reshape the nose canal to promote better sinus drainage or to prevent sinus blockages. Rhinoplasty procedures are also sometimes used to treat cases of sleep apnea.
According to the annual plastic surgery procedural statistics, there were 15.9 million surgical and minimally invasive cosmetic procedures performed in the U.S. in 2015, which is a 2% increase over 2014. While some patients opt for cosmetic surgery to improve the look of their faces, others choose it to relieve an underlying medical condition. Rhinoplasty is one of the most common cosmetic procedures and it is done both for cosmetic and medical purposes.