Exercise is good for you. Sadly, what’s good for us isn’t always what we commit to.
Sticking to a regimen of going jogging twice a week or swimming on the weekends sounds easy on paper, but can be ridiculously hard to cling to in actuality. The fitness warehouse is a necessary support system to cultivate good habits and get you sweating on a regular basis. Building it, just like building a regimen, is another matter entirely. If you’re needing a little bit of help putting together Bay Area fitness equipment, consider browsing the list below and working those brain muscles.
It’s just as much about psychology as it is about putting one foot in front of the other. It’s time to get fit!
Today’s Growing Fitness Culture
Take a look at social media and you’ll get a good idea as to how fitness culture is doing today. Despite the prevalence of technology, more and more Americans young and old are catching on to the benefits of creating their own fitness regimen. It’s not an easy journey, however! Since the 1970’s the number of fast food restaurants has more than doubled, with the typical American diet exceeding the recommended intake levels and limits in calories from solid fats. The fitness industry is filled with useful tools to help make exercise less of a chore.
The Modern Fitness Industry
What should you expect when crafting your fitness warehouse? It’s easy to become a little overwhelmed by the fitness industry and all the pills and tools they push your way. How do you separate the good stuff from a waste of money? Less than 5% of adults today participate in 30 minutes of physical exercise every day, according to the U.S. Department Of Health And Human Services. Mental health is also just as important as determining where you’re going to jog and what you put on your plate. Try to ignore the overnight success stories and go straight for what works.
Benefits Of Regular Exercise
There are many physical health benefits to exercising multiple times per week. Adults that exercise on a regular basis, such as high-intensity walking or going on regular swimming trips, are proven to have a reduced risk for type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. According to additional studies by the U.S. Department Of Health And Human Services just one out of three children are physically active every day. A great way to inspire confidence in your fitness routine is to choose a style that suits your personality. Outdoor types might like hiking, while introverts may benefit from a cycling class with a support system.
Popular Forms Of Equipment
Here’s a good place to start choosing your equipment. If you’re thinking of trying out a low-intensity exercise regimen, such as involving yoga, consider investing in some yoga mats and exercise balls. For those that want a little more intensity, or are interested in building muscle, you’ll want to look toward dumbbells, treadmills, and pull up bars. Just like your life doesn’t look identical to anyone else’s, neither should your exercise regimen. What are some small and large ways you can encourage the next few weeks to be the most active yet?
Crafting Your Fitness Warehouse
Your fitness warehouse should be just as comfortable as it is functional. Why would you want to return to a space that just makes you feel itchy? The two main types of equipment to focus on are cardio and strength equipment, which can be mixed and matched as you learn more about your limitations. The Cleveland Clinic recommends you spend 30 minutes per day on moderate physical activity four to five days a week (or two and a half hours). Walking remains one of the most affordable and simple ways of getting in that daily exercise, even better with friends or while you walk your dog.
Do right by yourself. Look into Bay Area fitness stores for the tools you need to create a home fitness routine that works.