Plastic surgery gets a bad reputation. It isn’t seen as serious medicine, just a luxury product. But cosmetic surgery is a major industry that can have an incredible impact on the lives of its patients. A cosmetic specialist might do anything from a quick tuck to major reconstruction. And even if the surgery is purely for cosmetic purposes, that doesn’t mean it isn’t important. Cosmetic surgery can result in improved self-esteem and mental health.
If you’re considering plastic surgery, you should do your research first. Different plastic surgery requires different things from your asthetic doctor. They’ll need different types of training while you’ll need different types of preparation and recovery. Something like dermal fillers will be quick, but a nose job will require recovery time. So when you’re ready to find a cosmetic surgeon, start by looking for board certified doctors near me. This will guarantee that you get a doctor who is trained and experienced. The doctor you choose will have a major impact on your experience, so make sure you take your time and find a good doctor.
In 2015, the top five procedures for women were: liposuction, breast augmentation, tummy tuck, breast lift, and eyelid lift surgery. Cosmetic surgery is not discussed in the hushed tones it used to be a few decades ago. When a person looks into getting cosmetic surgery performed, it is absolutely necessary that they do their research, and make an informed decision. Failure to do this could be catastrophic.
The Proper Procedure to Follow When Choosing a Plastic Surgeon
The American Board of Cosmetic Surgery, ABCS, likes to remind people that the choices they make regarding their cosmetic surgery will stay with them for the rest of their lives. It is imperative to find a board certified surgeon with many years of experience. This is not a process that should be rushed.
A Great Cosmetic Surgeon Is Not the Same As a General Surgeon
It is a frightening truth that many states do not require surgeons to have extensive experience in the services they offer to clients. This is why it is so important to make absolutely sure that any prospective surgeons you are considering have the necessary experience. A surgeon may have experience doing eyelid lifts, but that doesn’t make them qualified to complete rhinoplasty without extensive training. Ask if they are board certified by the ABCS.
Experience: Training, Time, and Number of Patients
If a surgeon is performing an eyelid lift, or rhinoplasty, the effects will be immediately apparent every time the patient looks in the mirror. The experience the cosmetic surgeon has will show up on your face, so to speak. There are a few questions to ask prospective surgeons relating to their experience.
1.How were you trained to perform this procedure?
2.How many years have you been performing this procedure?
3.How many patients have you performed this procedure on?
Find a Cosmetic Surgeon Whose Work You Like
Cosmetic surgery is meant to enhance a person’s natural beauty. Because of its subjective nature, it is necessary to chose a surgeon based on their “style,” but only after they are confirmed as being board certified, with extensive training and experience. This is the time to ask about their before and after books. It is a good idea to talk with them about the aesthetics of the procedure you desire, such as how you want your eyes to look after an eyelid lift surgery. Both you and the surgeon should be in complete and total agreement about the final result.
Where the Surgery Will Take Place?
After reviewing cosmetic surgeons extensively, it is time to discuss where the procedure will take place. The facility should also be an accredited operating room by the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care (AAAHC), or the American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgical Facilities (AAAASF), of which all ABCS certified surgeons are required to use for the procedures they perform. An uncertified location is simply not safe, as it is not required to comply with the rules and regulations put in place for maximum patient safety and wellness.
How Is Their Customer Service?
Another consideration, after you have determined that the surgeon is board certified, has the right experience, fits your aesthetic vision, and will be operating in an accredited facility, is how the business makes you feel. This is the last consideration because while it is not the most vital or pressing concern, it does matter. Does the office give you a good feeling? Does the staff treat you with care and respect? Do you feel pressured at all? Make sure all fees related to service, consultations, surgery, and recovery are clearly stated.
Cosmetic surgery is not viewed in the same light as it was even 15 years ago. The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS) found that in 2015 Americans spent a combined $13.5 billion in a single year on surgical and non-surgical procedures for the first time ever. This means more people are getting cosmetic procedures done, however it doesn’t mean all of those people are doing so in a safe manner. If you are considering plastic surgery, do your research.