Limited mobility does not mean that you have to be restrained to your household at all times. Many seniors believe that their mobility diagnosis means that they can no longer leave the house, operate a vehicle, or remain independent. This is not the case. There are many methods to improving elderly independence and mobility, despite limited mobility.
Many mobility assistive devices to choose from
In previous times, a person with limited mobility was required to use a wheelchair. Wheelchairs are bulky and can be difficult to maneuver around smaller places, even apartments. Today, however, there are many mobility assistive devices to choose from. Just a few of them include the wheelchair, a scooter, or a walking cane. There are also different types of wheelchairs available. Automatic ones make it easier to maneuver around larger distances, such as shopping malls or stadiums.
ADA approved housing requirements
Seniors with limited mobility will also find it easier to get around their own house if they follow ADA door requirements. These requirements push for a wider doorway, making it easier to move from room to room. Additionally, seniors can research destinations they intend to visits to get an idea of which ones are handicapped accessible. If they advertise as being ADA approved, seniors with assistive mobility devices know that they will have no problem getting around there. It is even possible that the destination has additional ADA assistance such as wheelchair lift for trucks or a dependable stairlift to scale different levels.
Limited mobility vehicles
Having mobility difficulties no longer means that you cannot operate a vehicle. There are many vehicles made specifically for those with limited mobility abilities. In some cases, a wheelchair lift for trucks can be added to your regular truck and it is then turned into a wheelchair able transportation. With approximately 6.8 million Americans using assistive devices to aid their mobility, you are likely to find it simple to locate a wheelchair lift for trucks.
Wheelchair ramps for easy entrance and exit
If you are going to operate a vehicle despite your limited mobility, you will also need an easy way to enter and exit your house. This can easily be done by building wheelchair ramps. Just make sure you follow all ADA requirements for accessibility standards. This will ensure that you have a ramp that is safe and secure for transporting in and out of the house. According to AARP and the National Conference of State Legislatures, 90% of people over the age of 65 want to live in their home as long as they can. Wheelchair ramps and wheelchair lift for trucks make it so they can.
Stairlifts within the home
Limited mobility also no longer means that you are secluded to one floor of your house. Households with multiple levels make it harder for seniors to get from room to room. In fact, is one of the leading causes of downsizing or moving to an assisted living facility. Instead of selling your home or choosing to move to somewhere with less privacy, consider installing a stair lift. Stairlifts make it possible to move from floor to floor without ever leaving your wheelchair.
According to HomeAdvisor?s 2016 Aging in Place Report, home service professionals say the top aging in place projects they have been hired to do include installing grab bars (71%) and adding entryway wheelchair ramps (54%). With more seniors want to remain at home even with limited mobility, there are more options than ever before. Seniors can still maneuver from room to room, in and out of their house, and even operate a vehicle.