Now that summer is, unofficially, here it is once again time for shorts, tank tops and bathing suits. Most of us have been indulging in everything from the holiday egg nog to chocolate bunnies since last summer. There are some health fitness tips that can help you get back into shape, and have more energy.
The basic health and fitness tips are, generally, the same as they have always been. Drink enough water, eat the right foods, and get some exercise. That sounds simple, but it is not always easy to get motivated. It is even more difficult to stick to a diet or an exercise routine.
Fortunately, there are some warm weather health fitness tips that you can try. Now that it is nice outside, in most of the country any way, why not take advantage of it? The easiest, most accessible and least expensive form of exercise is walking. This time of year, there are signs of spring and summer every where. Walking is not only good exercise, it is a great way to see the trees and flowers blooming, and to watch the signs of the cold dark winter fade away.
Other health fitness tips include diet, but walking does not have to be your only form of summer activity. There are organized sports teams for all ages, and many gym memberships are discounted this time of year. Some of the best health fitness tips are also either free or very inexpensive. Besides walking, there is jogging, or swimming. If you do not have access to a pool, there is always the beach.
Warm weather means no more “storing” extra food. Many of us gain a few pounds over the winter due to decreased activity and there is a tendency to eat comfort foods, and maybe even have some hot chocolate with them. Summer is a great time for lighter meals, salads and healthy snacks.