Although U.S. urgent care centers treat approximately three million Americans each week, some people seem to consider urgent care temperary alternatives to crowded hospital emergency rooms. But the fact is that urgent care centers are probably the best permanent solution for individuals looking for same-day emergency medical treatment.
Even though hospital emergency rooms or trauma centers are the only place for people with severe injuries or other life-threatening medical conditions, the typical urgent care facility is fully capable of treating a variety of non-traumatic injuries or diseases, such as bone fractures, sprains, lacerations, and the flu, to name but a few.
The reason urgent care tempe can offer such a high standard of care can be attributed to the expertise of its staff. The average urgent care facility staff includes a physicians, physician’s assistants, nurse practitioners, and registered nurses. And nearly two-thirds of all urgent care centers have a medical doctor on staff at all times.
While the above information might prove to you that urgent cares are legitimate emergency medical care solutions, you might not be convinced that they are really “better” than hospital emergency rooms. However, when you factor in the time and cost savings, you will probably change your tune, and take the extra step to find urgent care the next time you are looking for immediate care for a minor medical issues, such as an STD test.
According to recent data, the typical urgent care center treats at least 80% of its patients within one hour, while they can cost as little as 10% of an emergency room visit! This not only makes urgent care centers ideal for the poor and uninsured, but for anyone who doesn’t enjoy waiting hours on end for treatment in a hospital emergency room.
See this reference for more: doctorsexpressphoenix.com