Growing old is not always fun. From the reliance on maintenance medications to be our best selves to the need for urological supplies like intermittent catheters, there are many times when living our best lives can be a challenge. Not surprising, in a time when there are many Americans who are overweight there are a growing number of health concerns. From kidney disease to full blown diabetes, in fact, there are many people who end up relying on urological supplies to get through the day.
Although incontinence can be a challenge, with the use of the right medications and medical supplies, it is possible to still be able to live the kind of life that you want.
Free Catheter Samples Help Many Patients Find the Best Option They Need
There are many incontinence supplies that can help people of all ages live a more satisfying life. Finding the right supplies, however, is not always easy. Whether you are looking for the right kind of catheter for an aging parent or grandparent or you are searching for a catheter for yourself, it is often beneficial if you can find the right urological supplies. With the use of free samples, patients and their families can find the kind of catheters and other supplies that will work best without making a huge investment.
Consider some of these facts and figures about the urological supplies industry and the way that these and other health issues impact the quality of individual lives as well as the economy of the entire nation:
- Although there have been many medical advancements, urinary catheters have been used to drain the bladder when it fails to empty for more than 3500 years.
- Urinary incontinence increases with age from 14% in individuals between the ages of 65 and 69 to 45% in those age 85 years or older.
- Dialysis or a kidney transplant is necessary if kidney disease reaches the point where a person has less than 10 to 15% kidney function.
- In all U.S. states, 1 of every 25 working age adults, those who fall between 18 and 64 years of age, face work limitations they attribute to arthritis.
- It is common for men over 60 years of age to have some degree of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), but not all will have problems with blockage.
- As many as 15% to 25% of hospitalizations will require the placement of a foley catheter, which is an indwelling catheter that helps pass urine through the bladder during a surgery or hospital stay.
No matter what your age, if you are dealing with incontinent issues it is important that you have the right kind of urological supplies.