The American Disabilities Act (ADA) has set accessibility standards for a variety of situations. In order to aid their mobility, around 6.8 million Americans use some type of assistive device that adheres to these accessibility standards. Most people are probably familiar with the handicap door opener buttons at public buildings and businesses.
Recent figures show that roughly 53 million people within the United States are currently living with a disability. A recent study showed that limited mobility is the most common disability in the country. Some individuals with limited mobility may have wheelchair lifts for vans and other vehicles along with entryway wheelchair ramps or lifts.
Many older adults experience mobility issues after sustaining a fall. These individuals are treated for falls in emergency rooms every 11 seconds. On an annual basis, more than 2 million senior citizens visit emergency rooms for a variety of injuries that occurred due to falling. It’s been determined that 50% of these falls occur at home. This also includes outside areas such as patios, gardens, and walkways.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report that many injuries, such as falls, occur in the bathroom. Data shows that almost 235,000 of the falls that occur every year happen in this room. In order to prevent these falls, grab bars and other bathroom accessibility products are recommended.
Estimates show that by 2030, 20% of the population in the United States will consist of older adults. Most of these individuals want to stay in their own home, or age in place, for as long as possible. Both the American Association of Retired Persons and the National Conference of State Legislatures reported that this is preferred by 90% of adults over 65.
Bathrooms are often the first room to modify for individuals that are choosing to age in place. Nearly half of homeowners over 55 stated that they were considering thid as a top priority, according to
HomeAdvisor’s “2016 Aging in Place Report.” The report also showed that home service professionals have been hired to install or construct a variety of living-in-place projects. At the top of this list are both grab bars and entryway wheelchair ramps.
Whether someone currently has a mobility issue or is planning to age in place, it’s important to address the existing or potential need for assistive devices and home renovations. When these measures are taken and are in compliance with accessibility standards, it provides a safer environment.
Ger more information on this topic here.