As the weather gets warmer, many children will take part in school sports. If no sports programs are offered during the summer, certain teenagers will take up weightlifting. Considering that, it’s important that these individuals remain safe while lifting weights. While many take up weightlifting to become healthier and stronger, not being safe can make this hobby quite dangerous. With that in mind, here are five weightlifting safety tips for beginners.
- Practice Proper Form
One of the most common ways someone will get injured while weightlifting is by not knowing proper form. Each exercise involved in weightlifting requires that your body positions itself in a certain way. For instance, you never want to jerk your back while performing barbell curls. Many people regularly visit urgent care centers for lower back problems, especially those caused by improper lifting techniques. That being said, examples of proper weightlifting forms are often easier to watch rather than read about. Therefore, you’ll find that watching videos explaining proper form for the exercises you’re wanting to learn about is a wise idea. - Start Training with Manageable Amounts of Weight
As you begin lifting weights, you might think you’re a lot stronger than you actually are. Therefore, you must remember to begin training with weights that you can handle. With that in mind, start with the smallest amount of weight possible and work your way up. This is much wiser than risking a muscle tear from lifting weights that are far too heavy for beginners to work with. - Always Warmup with Lighter Weights
While continuing a weight training program, it’s exciting to find that you’re getting stronger. Keeping that in mind, you’ll still want to warm up with lighter amounts of weight. Warming up is something that weightlifters often do in order to get their body ready for an upcoming workout. Beginning a weightlifting session by lifting last week’s personal best could have you risking a pulled or torn muscle. Considering that, spending 10 to 15 minutes warming up by lifting lighter weights helps to prevent injuries from occurring. - Have a Spotter Nearby
Eventually, you will be able to lift heavy amounts of weight. Considering that, many weightlifters perform bench presses and squats in order to gain larger muscles. These exercises should never be done by one person. Instead, you’ll want to have someone or a group of people acting as spotters. A spotter stands alongside the person training, providing support if the lifter is unable to move the weight. In many cases, having a spotter is the main factor keeping many people out of urgent care facilities for weightlifting injuries. - If You’re in Pain, Stop Lifting Immediately
Lifting weights can often cause muscle soreness while you recover. That being said, you should never feel pain while working out. Pain is often a sign that your body is trying to tell you something. Therefore, it’s best to stop lifting weights should you feel sudden pain. Failure to do so could result in you fracturing bones or pulling muscles. If this happens, visit a nearby urgent care immediately. Statistics show that 80% of these facilities are able to care for fractures.
To summarize, there are several important tips to follow in order to lift weights safely. Many high school students take part in weightlifting programs either as part of or to prepare for an upcoming sports season. If you’re new to lifting weights, it’s important to you follow several safety tips. In the event that you become injured, seek out a nearby urgent care facility. Statistics show that 85% of these facilities provide convenient medical care every day. In addition, research gathered from the Urgent Care Association of America found that 3 million people visit these facilities each week.
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