Breaking News

Day: February 6, 2014

Cosmetic Dermatology Lasers, Benefits, Risks, and Options

Non-surgical facial rejuvenation. Those words were hardly ever put together in the past. Facial rejuvenation for our grandmothers might have meant the occasional facial, a regimen of creams and ointments, staying out of the sun, and not frowning. Today, a wide range of dermatological procedures make it possible for almost anyone to experience facial rejuvenation…

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Relax, Unwind, and De-Stress With a Massage

Life is short, and you need to live it to the fullest. A time comes when you must forget your worries and treat your body right. The thing is, your body will thank and reward you for the treatment. They rarely tell you this. A massage is one of the best ways to unwind, let…

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Common Questions About Better Breathing for Athletes

Breathing is just one of those things that we take for granted. It’s automatic, we don’t think about it until there’s a problem, and it has a critical role in sustaining our lives. However, did you know that your ability to breathe is tied to more than just minute-to-minute survival? Our cardiovascular, digestive, immune, nervous,…

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