Getting up and being active is a hugely important thing, one that is quite absolutely essential to overall health. After all, regularly being active is something that can very much promote a reduced risk of obesity. Unfortunately, being overweight has become more popular and commonplace than ever before, especially all throughout the United States. In just this one country alone, after all, up to one third of all people are overweight. Another one third, unfortunately, could be classified as obese.
Much of this is tied directly back to a lack of exercise in the everyday live of people of all ages. When we look at the adult population, we even find that up to 95% of all adults in the United States are not even getting a mere half of an hour of exercise over the course of the typical day. In addition to this, less than half of this country’s adults are meeting weekly recommendations for exercise as well. On the whole, it is estimated that only just around one fifth of the total adult population is getting the amount of exercise that they should be.
Of course, unfortunately, this problem is far from one that is just contained among the adult populations of this country. As a matter of fact, this is actually quite far from the case. Unfortunately, it has become normal for a typical child to use electronic devices for as many as seven and a half hours over the course of a single day. This can, as one might anticipate, limit the amount of physical activity they are getting by a considerable amount. It’s very much something that parents are worried about too, with more than half (up to two thirds, to be just a bit more specific) of all parents in the United States alone expressing concern over how much their children are using various electronic devices.
Fortunately, starting your kids off young in a variety of physical activities can be quite hugely beneficial to their overall well being. If you’re needing help in convincing them to get off of their electronic devices and into the real world where they can be active and play in a more physical way, consider signing them up for gymnastics classes. After all, gymnastics is a hugely popular activity throughout the country with more than four and a half million participants over the age of six enrolled by the time that we had reached the year of 2017. In the time that has elapsed since, this number has truly only continued to grow and grow – and likely will continue to do so in the years that are to come as well.
And gymnastics lessons are not just for older kids. After all, young children are developing essential fine and gross motor development skills intensively in the first six or so years of life. Because of the importance of these skills, it is quite absolutely critical that their growth is promoted as much as is possible. Therefore, children should be encouraged to participate in skills that range from tumbling to throwing and catching. Skills like running should also be promoted. For many people, it is clear to see that many gymnastics classes can provide the chance to work on such skills and therefore gymnastics classes that are appropriately structured can be quite ideal for even the youngest of all children, even the toddlers.
However, you’ll want to ensure that the gymnastics studio you choose is of a high quality. First of all, they should be equipped with all the right tools to provide a safe gymnastics experience for children of all ages. For instance, a gymnastics pad is key for a safe time. A gymnastics pad will help to keep practicers of gymnastics safe when attempting new stunts, as the gymnastics pad will provide a soft and safe place to land if they fall. In addition to the gymnastics pad that can be moved around, wood foam floor tiles are also commonplace, as too are various other types of gymnastics tumbling mats. For younger gymnastics practitioners, a gymnastics pad can be used in addition to a gymnastics wedge. After all, gymnastics wedges can help children to gain confidence in their skills.