Since 1950, heart disease has been the number one killer of both men and women in America. Making no distinction between income, race, or gender, heart disease is the result of plaque building up in the arteries, making it difficult for blood to flow from the heart to the rest of the body. Doctors offer many suggestions in the way of coping with heart disease, and the CDC recommends that adults between 18 and 64 years of age workout at least 2.5 hours twice per week. In addition, doctors maintain that prescription over the counter medicine has a strong influence over how survivors maintain a workout schedule. This interaction is critically important when it comes to managing heart disease.
Managing Heart Disease Safely
Maintaining a medication and activity schedule is how many people are managing this incurable disease. Taking medication regularly proves to be much less difficult, but getting on an exercise schedule has been helpful for chronic sufferers of heart disease. Some of the ways people can make gradual change are:
- Create a detailed plan of action with meal planning and workout schedule. This plan can be daily, weekly, or monthly.
- Make gradual changes to your lifestyle. Don’t rush to switch everything up in a day- quit smoking before you get on a workout plan. Eliminate red meat before transitioning to a more plant-based diet.
- Prepare to start your plan over. Inevitably, you will miss workout days, but remain persistent. Slowly re-transition back into your schedule.
Developing good habits are the precursor to long-term lifestyle changes that help with the management of heart disease. Confer with your doctor to find out what activities and diets are right for you.
Understanding Your Over the Counter Medicine
Pharmacies will fill your prescription and tell you everything about your prescription itself, but only your doctor knows how your medication might affect your body’s reaction to activities. Some medications may make you nauseous, irritable, or tired, so it’s important to take your schedule on one day at a time.
- Start slow. Some over the counter medicine can make you feel drained before you even think about working out. Take your schedule one day at a time.
- Avoid extreme weather. If it’s too cold, hot, or humid, it’s better to get active indoors. Your medication can make you feel hotter or colder than it actually is, so stay safe in heavy weather.
- Don’t exercise if your temperature is high. Fever is a side effect of certain medication, and exerting yourself could make it rise.
In the midst of prescriptions, doctor’s appointments, pharmacy visits, and managing heart disease, you stand a survivor of a disease that affects millions of people every year. Share your story with close friends and family and keep a strong support group near. It’s a commitment to wellness and strength that will motivate you and others around you who are affected by heart disease as well.