We?re so reliant these days on our electronic gadgets, the phones, the computers, even our microwaves, and we rarely consider what the consequences may be. Of course we want the ease of modern technology, but we have to be sure we?re not getting too much Electromotive Force (EMF). We need EMF protection, especially for our children.
Cell towers have spread like wildfire, and are often placed on day-care, pre-school, and school campuses. That means children can have 1,000 times higher Radio Frequency exposures in the home and in school environments than existed only 20 to 25 years ago. A study done in 2010 of children and adolescents, 8 to 17 years of age, showed even short-term EMF exposure causes, irritation, concentration difficulties in school, and headaches.
And EMF exposure doesn?t just affect children once they?re born. Studies show that children whose mothers used cell phones while pregnant had 25% more emotional problems, 35% more hyperactivity, almost 50% more conduct problems, and 34% more problems with peers, than those children who?s mothers did not use mobile phones. EMF exposure also affects chances of getting pregnant in the first place. In a study conducted in 2012, a mere four hours of Wi-Fi level laptop exposure resulted in decreased sperm viability.
We need EMF protection, and not just for our children.
In adults ages 81 to 91, it was found in a national study, those with short-term exposure to GSM cell phone radiation reported neurological problems, sleep issues, headaches, and concentration problems. EMF harms cells at a much lower level than conventional heating, a billion times lower. And bio-effects can occur within the first few minutes of use, at levels associated with cell and cordless phone use. Another 2012 study, showed that chronic EMF exposure produced physiological stress in cells after only one and a half years.
This and various other EMF side affects can be solved with a cell phone radiation blocker, a bioelectric shield, or one of the many other EMF blockers available.
In 2007, it was concluded that the existing safety limits for EMF were completely inadequate, and would not protect public health. It was agreed upon, five years ago, that newer, more biologically based safety limits were needed. Five years ago! And there is almost no indication that mobile phone users (whose numbers have almost tripled globally from 2006 to 2012) know about the risks of EMF or what sort of EMF protection exists.
So, be aware of the risks. Know that mobile phones emit radiation constantly, even when not in use. Understand what your children?s risks are, and protect children from EMF. And protect yourself from EMF with a wide range of electromagnetic protection products.
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Get more here. Find more on this here. Helpful sites.