Whether or not you’re a beauty product enthusiast, you may have heard by now about Moroccan argan oil. What is argan oil? Hailing for the Berber region of Morocco, this oil is derived from the argan nut. The only way to make argan oil is to do so by hand, so it can take anywhere from 12 to 20 hours to produce just one liter of this substance. In Morocco, argan oil is also sometimes used for culinary purposes, such as drizzled on couscous or pasta.
In the West, however, most people know it as an additive in beauty products made to produce healthy skin and hair. Today there are all kinds of Moroccan argan oil soaps, shampoos, conditioners, lotions, and even argan oil masks made to improve the look and feel of skin and hair. Because argan oil is high in Vitamin E and antioxidants, it can protect skin, fight aging, and even reverse damage from scars or sun.
There are also many hair uses for Moroccan argan oil when it is used in pure form or in hair products. Moroccan argan oil can smooth hair and make it appear shinier. It is often used to treat dry scalp, as well. Products made for hair uses for Moroccan argan oil include shampoos and conditioners that use the oil as an ingredient. There are also other argan oil hair treatments made to tame hair, reduce frizz, or add shine and volume.
Some people even prefer to use the pure oil (either in liquid or cream form) on their hair directly. Although it may seem strange and counter-intuitive to put oil on hair, it actually is a dry oil that is easily absorbed into hair and skin. In fact, using oil is one of the “beauty secrets” of many celebrities to keep their hair healthy and shiny.
Are you wondering about more hair uses for Moroccan argan oil? Leave a comment below.