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Author: Health and Fitness

The Benefits of Using Collagen Cream on Your Skin

Did you know that the elasticity of skin decreases by 0.55% each year? In addition, skin thickness decreases by 7% every ten years in women. Although aging negatively affects the appearance of skin, collagen cream is available to help. Collagen skin care products are designed to improve the natural levels of collagen in the body,…

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Weight Gain? Depression? Thyroid May be Source

Your thyroid health is something that impacts your life in more ways than you probably realize. The health of your thyroid directly affects regulation of weight gain, fatigue and depression. This is an important part of your day-to-day life and should be monitored upon routine doctor visits. The thyroid gland, butterfly shaped and located in…

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Artificial Disc Replacement is Leading the Way in Alleviating Back Problems

The pain associated with degenerative disc disease or a herniated disc can be crippling. Many people experience discomfort while walking, tingling in their legs, hands and feet, and find bending, twisting, or lifting difficult. These back problems can take a severe toll on the quality of life, making everyday, routine activities seem almost impossible. The…

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Stylish and Functional Scrubs?

We think of nurse scrubs as having been around forever, but they were popularized in the 70s as a hygenic solution for the operating room. Depending on where you work, they may even begin to base the colors of nursing uniforms and scrubs on their associated university or theme. You can find all kinds of…

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Get Natural Looking Hair You Can Never Lose!

Many of us take pride in what our hair looks like. We comb it, treat it with the best shampoos and conditioners, and constantly check a mirror, making sure that every strand of hair is in place. But whether we like it or not, great hair does not last forever. Like aging, hair loss is…

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What Your Options are for Breast Implant Surgery

According to The Huffington Post, an Argentine woman has died recently as the result of attempting to give herself breast implants. Sonia Perez Llanson, age 39, had injected herself with petroleum jelly in an effort to increase her breast size. Shortly after, she developed difficulty breathing. After a month of hospitalization, Llanson died when vaseline…

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Two Possible Treatments for Damaged, Wrinkled Skin

Did you know that many of the products being sold to help improve the appearance of your skin could actually be majorly damaging it? One way women often damage their face is through bleaching — intended to eliminate the appearance of facial hair, or to hide skin discoloration. However, bleach can cause tissue damage if…

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Evidence Is Accumulating That Chiropractic Treatment Is Quite Effective

Did you know that Terry Chimes, the original drummer of historic punk band The Clash, is now a chiropractor in Essex, England? The musician has had a love of biology and healing for his entire life, so it was only natural that in 1994 he began to pursue a career in chiropractic health and wellness….

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