Dealing with issues of fertility is often a long and confusing process. You constantly hear about accidental pregnancies and everyone around you seems to be getting pregnant. Yet, you waited until it was the right time in your life, and it seems you are unable to conceive. Fortunately, medical advances have found infertility options to be very successful, depending on the cause of infertility. However, paying for infertility treatments is not a possibility for some. Consider the following alternative payment methods to achieve your dream of parenthood.
Savings You may be hesitant to spend your savings on fertility treatments. There is no guarantee that it will work, and you do not want to waste your money. Yet, if you wait too long, your changes of conception will decrease even more. Before cashing out your savings account, carefully think about your options. Have you exhausted all of your other options? Is this something that you and your partner want more than anything? Have multiple consultations with your physician, getting a realistic outlook on your chances.
Fundraiser Although many people cannot fully grasp the frustration and regret that you are feeling with every missed pregnancy, most do have the ability to understand how badly you want to start a family. Consider planning a fundraiser, using the funds raised to see a fertility expert, or to receive fertility treatments. Most family and friends will be willing to help you in minor ways to achieve your dream.
It can be even more helpful to share your journey with others. Inform other women of your struggles and the chances of conception. Approximately 44% of women with infertility have sought medical assistance. Of those who seek medical intervention, approximately 64% give birth. Notify them of your options and suggested treatment plans. Approximately 85 to 90% of infertility cases are treated with drug therapy or surgical procedures. The more that people know, the more that they generally are willing to help.
Find assistance programs Depending on your state of residence, you may be able to find programs that assist those with fertility treatments. These may be low cost programs or educational programs. You can often receive free or discounted testing or treatments in return for research. If you can prove lower income, you may be able to qualify for lower office payments. Some fertility clinics may even offer IVF insurance procedures.
IVF insurance Some health insurance policies cover IVF treatments. Depending on the policy, it may cover the complete costs of IVF treatments, or it might cover partially. Consult with your insurance provider on the existence of any IVF insurance. Work with them on finding an approved fertility clinic and treatment options. Currently, 15 states have passed laws requiring that insurance policies cover some level of infertility treatment, Arkansas, California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Montana, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Rhode Island, Texas, and West Virginia.
If you find that your insurance provider does cover infertility treatments, ensure that you understand all of the stipulations and requirements before beginning treatments. It is likely that only certain center for reproductive medicine departments is covered. Your IVF insurance may only cover certain procedures, usually parts of the artificial insemination process. You will also want to find out if your IVF insurance covers any needed testing, medications, or recovery processes.
Infertility is a common concern for many women aged 30 and older. They struggle with expensive infertility tests and treatments. The high costs of these treatments may prevent them from conception. If you are struggling with affording your infertility medical visits, do your research. Find low cost assistive programs, consider using your savings, organize a fundraiser, or look into any possible IVF insurance coverage with your current provider.