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Month: January 2017

The Power of Drug Rehab Centers

According to some reports, nearly 50,000 deaths are in some way linked to substance abuse each year in Canada. The problem costs the nation?s healthcare system about $8 billion each year and yet many people are unaware of the seriousness of the epidemic or how to help address the problem. Drug rehab centers are one…

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Affording IVF Treatments for a Successful Conception

Dealing with issues of fertility is often a long and confusing process. You constantly hear about accidental pregnancies and everyone around you seems to be getting pregnant. Yet, you waited until it was the right time in your life, and it seems you are unable to conceive. Fortunately, medical advances have found infertility options to…

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Considering Hormone Replacement Therapy?

There is little that we can control about our bodies and our health. Hormones, for example, tend to fluctuate considerable, depending on our ages, diets, and genetic make ups. Hormones are responsible for a variety of the things our bodies do, including its ability to conceive a child. In fact, hormones are one of the…

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Do the Benefits of Hormone Replacement Therapy Outweigh the Risks?

Hormone replacement treatment is a thorny subject. The cure for low testosterone has many side effects. Some may think that the risks are not worth it, that they would rather live with their symptoms, thank you very much. But knowledge is power, in this case the power to make an informed decision. Read below for…

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Are You Suffering From Severe Menopausal Symptoms? HRT Might Be Right For You

Menopause is not known to be a comfortable transition — just like most transitions. However, some women have an extremely difficult time with it and may be searching for ways to lessen or alleviate the symptoms brought on by menopause. One such way is to seek out hormone replacement therapy and hormone treatments. Doctors commonly…

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