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Day: February 22, 2013

Talk to the Doc About Lower Back and Spine Pain

There are a lot of problems that can occur in the back. Made up of three sections to create the S curve, the spine is broken into three regions, from top to bottom, the Cervical, the Thoracic, and the Lumbar regions. African American women are almost three times more likely than Caucasian women to develop…

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Krieg Chiropractic Center in Missoula MT

Krieg Chiropractic Center 1070 North Russell Street Missoula, MT 59808 (406) 541-8888 Missoula Chiropractor: About Krieg Chiropractic Center in Missoula We specialize in specific low force adjusting techniques that allow you to achieve the results you are looking for with as few adjustments as possible. Whether you are looking for symptomatic relief, help with…

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