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Three Common Questions About Laser Hair Removal

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Most modern dermatology procedures these days are centered around laser technology. One can go to a spa that offers non-surgical cosmetic treatments and have laser skin resurfacing, and laser hair removal, but before the mid 1990s, such treatments were experimental in nature and still being studied. Today, they are almost as simple to get as a wax, or a facial.

Did you know that only about 18% of hair removal procedures get performed on men? It might not be that surprising, considering how excess hair is a cultural stigma for many females, but somewhat encouraged in men. For women, the most common areas for laser treatment hair removal are the upper lip, underarms, bikini line, stomach, and legs. Before seeking treatment, you might find that you have a few questions. This article will answer three of the more common questions so that you can decide for yourself if it is a treatment worth pursuing.

Is a laser treatment for facial hair safe?

Laser hair removal is achieved through controlled pulses of energy that heat hair down to its root, destroying it, and not damaging the surrounding skin. The laser targets pigment, and so light skinned individuals with dark hair tend to have the best results. Unfortunately, the treatment rarely works on white, red, or gray hair. Laser treatment for facial hair is safe, as long as you are a good candidate, and working with an experienced and reputable provider.

What are the laser hair removal benefits?

With hair removal laser treatment is considered to be very cost effective in comparison to shaving and waxing. Over the course of between four and eight treatments, hair growth is significantly reduced, and in some cases stopped altogether. Because the treatment only works on hair that is actively growing, more than one treatment is needed to get all of the hair follicles in the correct stage of growth.

What are the risks and side effects?

Certain people with skin conditions, or who are prone to scarring, may not be good candidates. The best way to tell if you are at any risk is to get a consultation. Side effects are generally minimal, with some temporary redness and irritation being reported. The pain is sometimes described as having a rubber band snapped against the skin, while others don’t feel any pain. Unfortunately, treatment can’t be performed over tattoos or permanent makeup, because doing so could pose a real risk to your skin.

Laser treatment for facial hair, legs, or the bikini area may be an excellent option for you if you are a good candidate, and want freedom from other, more demanding hair removal techniques. Remember that it is important to speak with an experienced professional, or a licensed practitioner if your state has regulations on laser hair removal. Having the treatment performed at a reputable clinic will mean better results for your procedure, and your satisfaction. This is a great source for more.

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